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Why Calcium is Important to Your Child’s Oral Health

Calcium rich foodsMany children hear the phrase “drink your milk and you’ll get strong bones,” and this statement is true! Getting the right amount of calcium at a young age is not only good for your child’s bones but also his or her teeth. Children who are receiving at the least the recommended daily serving of calcium are more likely to benefit from healthier bones and stronger teeth.

Importance of Calcium for Kids

The best types of high-calcium foods to offer your kids are dairy products and vegetables. These can include:

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Broccoli
  • Kale

High calcium and vegetables that are high in calcium also contain other vital vitamins and minerals including magnesium, vitamin D, protein, and phosphorus. Phosphorus also helps to strengthen the tooth enamel, making teeth less vulnerable to dental cavities, sensitivity, and other dental problems. Eating too much sugar or acidic foods may also weaken tooth enamel.

Unfortunately, the Academy of General Dentistry has found that only 20% of kids are receiving even the minimum standard for calcium consumption. Children under the age of eight should be getting at least two and a half cups of calcium a day. Children and adults over the age of eight should have at least three cups.

If your children aren’t getting enough calcium, they are at an increased risk for dental problems, which can include improper development. For more information on keeping your children’s teeth and bones healthy and strong, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry to make an appointment. Our child’s dental office is located here in Dover, NH.

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