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Fun Alternatives to Candy for This Halloween

Holloween conceptAt Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry, Halloween is one of our favorite holidays! From the costumes and the decorations to the tricks and treats, we love it all! However, we all know the damage that sugar can do to a child’s vulnerable tooth enamel. In addition to causing tooth decay and dental cavities, too much sugar is also bad for your child’s overall health as well.

Non-Candy Alternatives

This year we suggest ditching the sugary Halloween candy and opting for a fun, non-food alternative instead. Below are a few fun ways to fill trick-or-treaters’ Halloween bags with something that won’t damage their health:

  • Glow sticks
  • Spider or skull rings
  • Bubbles
  • Bouncy balls
  • Stickers
  • Halloween pencils or erasers
  • Clementine oranges
  • Vampire teeth
  • Mini slinkies
  • Hair clips or barrettes
  • Matchbox cars
  • Noise-makers or whistles 

Many of the above options are even cheaper and easier than candy! The kids in your neighborhood will enjoy the creative treats and their parents will be happy with less sugary treat-bags.

No matter how you choose to celebrate Halloween, everyone here at Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry would like to wish your family a safe and happy Halloween! To make your child’s post-Halloween dental cleaning and exam, please contact our Dover, New Hampshire pediatric dentist’s office today.

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