Yogurt and Your Child’s Oral Health
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Yogurt and Your Child’s Oral Health

YogurtYogurt is a superfood, not just for your child’s body, but for his or her dental health as well! Yogurt is more popular than ever for people who are trying to eat healthily and improve the way they eat. Several studies conducted over the last couple of years have consistently shown that yogurt can benefit us and our children in ways that go far beyond just digestive health.

How Yogurt Can Improve Dental Health

Below are a few of the ways that yogurt can improve the dental health of your family:

  • Helps Balance PH Levels – The bacteria that can cause dental cavities love a highly acidic environment. Luckily, yogurt can help to balance the PH levels in your child’s mouth, creating a healthier mouth and a less-hospitable environment for germs and bacteria to thrive.
  • Strengthens Teeth – Yogurt contains a lot of calcium, which helps to keep your child’s bones and teeth strong. This is because calcium helps to maintain the density in bones, especially during childhood, when the body is growing more quickly than ever. Once your child’s adult teeth have erupted, calcium will continue to strengthen teeth by keeping tooth enamel healthy and strong.
  • Fights Bad Breath – Eating six ounces of yogurt every day has been proven to reduce the compounds (like hydrogen sulfide) that can contribute to bad breath. This is because of the probiotics found in yogurt help to keep the foul-smelling bacteria in check.
  • Improves Gum Health – A recent study of 1,000 adults has shown that those who ate the most yogurt had the healthiest gums! This is because probiotics (good bacteria) are found in yogurt and will help to slow down the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth. If these bad bacteria are allowed to build upon the gum tissue, your child may develop gum disease or gingivitis.

The best type of yogurt to purchase for your family’s health is sugar-free and plain. If your children don’t enjoy plan, sugar-free yogurt, you can mix in some fresh fruit or a small amount of natural sweetener.

For more tips on maintaining your child’s dental health, or to make an appointment at Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry, please contact our Dover pediatric dental office in Dover, New Hampshire.

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Image Credit: © Dreamstime.com



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