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Maintaining Good Oral Health During Pregnancy

Attractive pregnant womanPregnancy can be a busy and stressful time and you’re likely to already have a lengthy to-do list for your pregnancy. However, it’s important to add ‘dental checkup’ to that list as well. Having a dental cleaning and an exam during pregnancy is vital to making sure your gums and teeth are healthy. The hormone changes your body experiences during pregnancy can make certain dental issues more likely to occur.

Dental Health Problems During Pregnancy

Below are a few dental concerns that have been linked with the hormone changes you experience during pregnancy:

  • Pregnancy Gingivitis – Gum tissue becomes especially vulnerable during pregnancy due to the shift in hormones. This means your gums are more susceptible to pregnancy gingivitis, which is gum disease that occurs during pregnancy. This condition will cause swelling, bleeding, pain, and inflammation of the gum tissue.
  • Pregnancy Tumors – Pregnancy tumors are overgrowths of tissue that sometimes appear on the gum tissue, usually occurring in the second trimester of pregnancy. Don’t be alarmed because these tumors are not cancerous and will usually disappear after you give birth. However, if the tumors are causing discomfort or concern, please contact your dentist to make an appointment.
  • Tooth Decay – Lastly, pregnancy can make it tough to keep up with your normal oral hygiene habits. There are many reasons for this including tender gum tissue, morning sickness, exhaustion, and a heightened gag reflex. However, pregnancy makes it even more important that you stay vigilant with your dental hygiene routine.

Please make sure that you visit your family dentist at least once during your pregnancy to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy. To make an appointment for your children to receive dental cleanings and exams, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry located here in Dover, New Hampshire.  Learn more about Doctor Patrick Wilson. Offering Dover NH child fillings, teeth cleaning, and more.

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