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Kids And Video Games – The Pros And Cons

Here at Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry, we care about the health, safety, and well being of our patients, far beyond their dental health. Right now we know that a hot topic regarding the health and safety of kids is video games – are they damaging your kids?

Some will say that any and all screen-based technology is damaging to children. Others argue that, when used in moderation, video games and other technology can be good for kids. Below are a few pros and cons of kids playing video games:

Pros Of Video Games

  • Has been shown to improve processing speeds in the brain
  • Can increase pro-social behavior
  • Has been shown to improve the memory
  • Builds brain regions and brain flexibility
  • Can improve reading fluency and speed
  • Improves social involvement

Cons Of Video Games

  • Has been linked with increasing levels of childhood obesity
  • More than 3 hours of video games per day can impact psychological adjustment
  • Violent video games can increase violent outbursts in children
  • Increases the chance of video game addiction
  • Can result in a lack of motivation to get anything else done


The pros and cons are clear. In moderation, and with the correct, non-violent games, engaging in small amounts of screen time can actually benefit your child.

For more ways on how to keep your child healthy, or to schedule an appointment with our skilled pediatric dentist, Dr. Wilson, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry, located in Dover, NH.

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