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How to Ease Your Child’s Teething Pain

Baby with chew toyAs a parent, it’s very hard to watch your child experience pain. However, this happens each time children begin to teethe. The child’s gums begin to swell a bit, and he or she will begin drooling and become increasingly irritable. This process is natural, but it’s still not easy – for you or your baby!

Tips On Easing Teething Pain

While teething is inevitable, there are ways you can help ease your child’s pain. Below are a few things you should know about teething and how you can help:

  • Timeline – Each child is different and teething times will vary for each. Your baby will usually begin to get his or her first tooth between the ages of six and nine months. We’ve also seen babies teethe as early as two or three months old and as late as a year old. No matter when teething begins, all of the teeth will have erupted around age 3.
  • Symptoms – Like the timeline, symptoms and their severity will also vary from child to child. Some children will struggle quite a bit with teething while others hardly seem to mind it. The symptoms usually last about a week and can include:
    • Irritability
    • Excessive drooling, and even a chin rash caused by drool
    • Gnawing or biting on things
    • Gum swelling
    • Rubbing his or her ears (pain can radiate from the teeth to the ears)
  • When To Worry – Contrary to popular belief, symptoms like rashes, diarrhea, and fever are not normal teething symptoms. These can be signs of some other illness and you should contact his or her pediatrician before chalking them up to teething.
  • Relieving Pain – Cold is one of the best ways to reduce swelling and relieve teething pain. Let your child chew on cold (but not frozen) items such as teething rings, pacifiers, or even washcloths. You can also massage your child’s gum with your finger (make sure to wash your hands first) as counter pressure can also help with pain. Lastly, over-the-counter pain relievers for children can be administered if your pediatrician approves them.

The American Dental Association recommends that your child visits the dentist either by the eruption of the first tooth or by the time they turn one. To make your child’s first dental appointment, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry today. Our pediatric dental office is located in Dover, New Hampshire.  

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