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Helpful Tips When Brushing Your Child’s Teeth

Young girlMaking sure your children brush their teeth each day is an important part of maintaining their teeth, mouth, and overall health. It can be difficult to get your child to brush their own teeth, but until it’s time to teach them how to do it on their own, it’s up to you to make sure their teeth and mouths are clean.

Luckily, there are few extra tips and tricks to use when brushing your child’s teeth to make sure it’s done right.

Tips On Proper Brushing

  1. Be Gentle – Many people believe that the harder they scrub their teeth, the cleaner their teeth will be. However, being too rough on your child’s teeth will only cause damage to his or her tooth enamel. Instead, hold your child’s brush gently at a 45-degree angle, and brush their teeth in a circular motion.
  2. Set a Timer – In order to clean each and every tooth in your child’s mouth, it’s important that you brush for at least two minutes each time you brush. There are plenty of ways you can make sure you’re brushing for two minutes. For example, set a timer on your phone, or hum a song to your child that lasts at least two minutes.
  3. Update Their Toothbrush – The more you brush your child’s teeth, the more damaged their toothbrush will become. The bristles will fray and begin to trap the bacteria, causing the toothbrush to no longer be effective. To avoid this problem, purchase a new toothbrush for your child every 4-6 months or when you notice the bristles beginning to fray.

In the end, the best thing to do for your child’s dental health is to be consistent and to teach them the importance of caring for their dental health. Make sure that brushing and flossing twice a day is a part of your family’s daily routine, and be sure to bring your kids in for a dental cleaning and exam every six months! 

To schedule an appointment for your children, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry, located in Dover, NH. Your family’s oral health is very important to us!

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