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Healthiest Easter Candy

Happy EasterEaster is just around the corner and we here at Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry want to make sure that your family has a happy (and healthy!) Easter! There is such a variety of candy that hits the shelves around Easter and it can be tough to resist temptation. Luckily you don’t need to deprive yourself this year. While it’s strange to call any kind of candy ‘good for you,’ there are some that are definitely better than others.

Easter Candy – Healthier Options

Below are a few of the most popular Easter candies, some of which are ok to indulge in and others you should stay away from:

  • Dark Chocolate – High quality dark chocolates are possibly the best option for Easter baskets. Chocolate melts away quickly, meaning the sugar won’t linger on the teeth. In addition, dark chocolate actually contains healthy polyphenols, which can improve heart health.
  • Cadbury Crème Eggs – Single serving eggs, at around 150 calories, are a much better option than an entire bag of other types of Easter candies! You can satisfy that sweet tooth without overdoing it.
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs – For chocolate and peanut butter lovers, a single serving Reese’s peanut butter egg is the best option. At only 170 calories, it’s the best chocolate peanut butter option for Easter.
  • White Chocolate – White chocolate and milk chocolate both lack the heart-healthy polyphenols contained in dark chocolate. In addition, they’re both high in fat and calories. We recommend skipping these treats in favor of dark chocolate.
  • Jelly Beans & Marshmallow Peeps – You may think that because these candies say ‘fat-free’ on the bag, that they’re your best option. However, we suggest staying away from jellybeans and marshmallow treats as they both contain mostly sugar.

If you’re in doubt, there are non-edible options you can include in your child’s basket. These include outdoor toys, coloring books, bubbles, small cars, nail polish, and anything else your child may be interested in.

To learn more about how to make sure your children have a safe and healthy Easter, or to make a post-holiday appointment for a dental cleaning and exam, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry. Our pediatric dentistry office is located in Dover, NH.

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