The Fun Legend Of Cupid – Happy Valentine’s Day!
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The Fun Legend Of Cupid – Happy Valentine’s Day!

Baby cpidValentine’s Day is almost here, and while it’s mostly a holiday for lovers, the tradition and story of Cupid can be fun to share with your kids. Who doesn’t love a chubby, naked, baby who spreads love wherever he goes?

Cupid Trivia

Below are a few fun facts about Cupid:

  • The story of Cupid is a myth (a story that some believe to be true, but is actually made up to explain a tradition or teach a lesson).
  • Cupid goes by many other names, including Amor, Cupido, and Eros.
  • In paintings, Cupid is most often depicted as a child or a baby, usually nude or clad only in a diaper.
  • In poetry, Cupid is described as a young boy who has beautiful, white wings, and a gold bow and arrows.
  • The legend of Cupid says that if he hits two people with his bow and arrow, they will fall in love.

The Story Of Cupid

As a young boy, Cupid was very close with his mother. One day, his mother became very jealous of a young woman named Psyche, because she was so beautiful. Cupid’s mother asked him to shoot Psyche with one of his arrows to make her fall in love with a horrible creature. Cupid entered her room and instantly fell in love with Psyche. He would visit her at night, but told her she must never look at him. One night, she disobeyed and tried to catch a glimpse. Cupid was mad that she had looked at him, so he flew away. Psyche was scared that she’d never see or hear from Cupid again, so she searched the world looking for him. She begged the leader of the Gods, Jupiter, to please help her. He helped her find Cupid, and gave them immortality so that they could be together forever. Love conquered all, and they lived happily ever after!

To make an appointment for your child to receive a dental cleaning and a checkup, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry located in Dover, NH. And, from all of us at the office, have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

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