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Filling Your Halloween Basket With Healthier Options

Girl floating in a pumpkin - holloween conceptHalloween is the holiday centered on candy! Acquiring candy, consuming candy, and then hoarding leftover candy for next few months until it’s all gone! No matter how you look at it, it’s difficult to avoid sugar in the month of October.

Children should only be consuming 12-32 grams of added sugar each day. Considering that a single serving of candy corn contains 28 grams of sugar, it’s clear that there’s a problem with the way we celebrate Halloween.

Healthier Halloween Choices

Instead of filling your Halloween candy bucket with sticky and sugary candy, you may want to consider passing out one of the following healthy options:

  • Unpopped bags of popcorn
  • Mini bags of crackers or pretzels
  • Mini granola bars
  • Boxes of raisins
  • Fruit leather or dried fruit
  • Small toys or stickers
  • Crayons or mini activity books

Halloween doesn’t have to cause problems for your child’s dental health. For more tips on helping your kids stay healthy or to make a post-holiday dental cleaning and exam, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry, located in Dover, New Hampshire!

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