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Dental Health and Soft Drinks

Summer is finally here! Most of us would like nothing more than to kick back and pop open a can of your favorite soda, but hear us out first! Soft drink consumption is one of the leading causes of tooth decay. The carbonation, sugar and acids in sodas have been proven to weaken your tooth’s enamel and encourage the growth of the bacteria that contributes to tooth decay.

If you want to reduce this risk but can’t quite seem to kick your soda habit altogether, try these simple tricks:

  • Drink soda in moderation
  • Use a straw in order to help keep the sugar away from your teeth
  • Avoid drinking soft drinks before bed
  • Rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after consuming sugary beverages
  • Receive regular dental checkups and cleanings

Have a great summer and remember to take care of your gorgeous smile.

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