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Common Misconceptions Regarding Orthodontic Treatment

Girl with bracesEven though orthodontic treatment is more popular than ever, there are still many myths and misconceptions regarding braces. Here at Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry, we know that many of our patients are currently undergoing or are considering orthodontic treatment. Because of this, we want to make sure to clear up any misconceptions so that you can be as informed as possible. 

Common Myths Regarding Orthodontia 

Below are a few of the misconceptions regarding orthodontic braces and the reality that lies behind them: 

  1. My orthodontist and general dentist are the same – This is not true! In reality, your general dentist is there to help prevent and treat dental health problems such as dental cavities, gum disease, tooth infections, and tooth decay among others. Your orthodontist focuses more on the alignment of the teeth in relation to dental health issues. These orthodontic issues can include bite problems, speech problems, and overcrowding.
  2. Adult teeth need to have fully erupted before orthodontic treatment can be considered – In this case, the opposite is true. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontics has recommended that kids receive an orthodontic evaluation once they turn 7 years old. This is because orthodontists are able to track growth patterns and address any potential alignment problems before the adult teeth even erupt.
  3. Only teenagers and children receive dental braces – Spacing and alignment issues can occur at any age, meaning that braces can also be utilized at any time as well. While the most common orthodontic patient is still a teenager or young adult, more and more adults have been turning to orthodontics in the recent past.

To learn more about taking your child to his or her first orthodontic evaluation or to make an appointment for his or her regular dental cleaning and exam, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry. Our children’s dentist is located here in Dover, New Hampshire.

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