Children & Root Canal Therapy
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Children & Root Canal Therapy

Root canal diagramMany parents question the importance of performing procedures on baby teeth, as these teeth are just going to fall out anyway. However, these first teeth are vital to the proper development and alignment of the adult teeth and shouldn’t come out too early. But for children suffering severely decayed baby teeth, it’s either early extraction or root canal therapy. 

Kids & Root Canal Therapy 

A root canal is the best option for saving a baby tooth with severe decay. While it might sound like an extreme procedure to perform on a child, it’s actually much more common and simple than you might think. Below are a few reasons why root canal therapy is the best treatment option for decayed teeth: 

  • There’s no such thing as a dental disease that fixes itself. If you avoid doing anything about your child’s tooth decay, it will only get worse.
  • As the decay becomes worse, your child will begin to experience tooth sensitivity and pain. Once the pulp becomes affected, the pain will worsen and the simpler treatments are no longer an option.
  • Root canal procedures are much simpler when performed on children. Additionally, baby crowns can be placed immediately after the procedure instead of having to wait for a permanent one to be created.
  • Your child’s tooth will be thoroughly numbed before the procedure, meaning that he or she will feel no pain during the root canal. While your child may experience sensitivity on the tooth for a few days after treatment, the tooth will go back to functioning normally.  

If your child is experiencing tooth decay and you’d like to discuss a pediatric root canal procedure, please contact Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry to set up a consultation. Our children’s dental office is located in Dover, New Hampshire.

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