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6 Easy Ways To Exercise At Home

Woman on exersice ballMany of us would love to spend some alone time at the gym. However, the reality is that most people don’t have the money (or the time!) to go to the gym regularly. Don’t let a lack of time or money prevent you from getting the exercise your body needs. There are cheaper and simpler ways for you to stay fit without stepping foot outside your door!

Exercises You Can Do At Home

Some of the best reasons to work out at home include the ability to crank your music as loud as you want, and to dress in clothes that are comfortable for you without having to worry about a dress code! Below are 6 easy ways to keep your body healthy without heading to the gym:

  1. Pushups – A set of pushups a day can help you improve your arm strength. If you feel like you need to modify the traditional pushup, feel free to do them on your knees or even against the wall. You’ll see benefits no matter which way you choose.
  2. Crunches – Crunches are great for working out your stomach muscles. It may take a few tries before you can do a full pushup, but until then just go as high up as you can. As long as you’re feeling the tension in your muscles, you’ll see results.
  3. Jumping Jacks – Jumping jacks are a fun and easy way to get in some daily cardio. Turn on your favorite tunes and jump right along with the beat!
  4. Leg Lifts – Leg lifts will strengthen and tone your leg muscles. If traditional leg lifts are too difficult, feel free to bend your legs a little at first until you improve. We don’t want you to pull a muscle.
  5. Jogging In Place – Jogging is good for your heart and is also great cardio. You can jog in place while listening to music or even while watching TV. We recommend wearing a good pair of running shoes to avoid stressing the leg muscles.
  6. Dancing – Lastly, dancing is a fun and easy way to get some cardio! Turn on your favorite song and dance your heart out. In addition to great exercise, dancing has also been shown to elevate your mood.

A combination of the above at-home exercises can help you stay healthy at fit without having to spend money or time at the gym. For more information about how to stay healthy, or to make an appointment for your child at Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry, please don’t hesitate to call our Dover, New Hampshire child’s dentist.  

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