4 Common Oral Healthcare Mistakes Parents Make
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4 Common Oral Healthcare Mistakes Parents Make

Did you know that 42% of children have had cavities in their baby teeth? Well-meaning parents can sometimes make mistakes regarding their children’s teeth that they might not even know they’re making! Below is a list of ways you could be harming your child’s oral health.

  • 1.Skipping fluoride. Fluoride has had its controversies in the past, but experts agree that it’s the best way to prevent cavities. However, the dose is very important. For children under 2, use only a grain of rice sized amount of toothpaste and for children older than 2, a pea sized amount is best. If you have concerns regarding fluoride, please discuss them with Dr. Dover.
  • 2.Waiting to make your child’s first dental appointment. Your child should see the dentist by their first birthday or at the eruption of their first tooth, whichever comes first. Children as young as 2 have needed to go under general anesthesia to have a cavity or an infection treated and that is stress that parents can avoid. Children should visit the dentist every 6 months for checkups after their first appointment.
  • 3.Allowing your child to brush alone. Parents should be supervising their children as they brush their teeth. Kids don’t have the motor skills to brush effectively until they’re 7 or 8 years old. Any younger than that, and you’ll need to make sure every surface of their teeth has been reached.
  • 4.Putting your child to bed with any drink other than water. Putting a baby or toddler to bed with a bottle of milk or juice is the quickest and easiest way to cause tooth decay. This habit ensures that sugar and bacteria sit on the teeth all night long, causing acids that break down enamel and cause cavities and decay.

If your child is past due for their first appointment or is in need of a checkup, please call Great Outdoors Pediatric Dentistry to make an appointment!

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Image Credit: © Dreamstime.com



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